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Kresta Ria A. Tabaranza


Karaoke enthusiast and novice hiker

About me

Pronouns: She | Her | Hers

Dr. Kresta Ria A. Tabaranza is an optometrist who provides comprehensive eye care to patients of all ages. She prescribes glasses and soft contact lenses to correct common problems causing unclear vision, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Tabaranza has experience in caring for people with a variety of eye issues, including glaucoma, macular degeneration (a disease that causes gradual vision loss), and tears or detachments of the retina (the layer of light-sensing cells at the back of the eye). She has a special interest in diagnosing eye changes linked to common conditions, including high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She enjoys helping patients improve not only their vision but their overall health.

Tabaranza earned her doctor of optometry degree from the Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science at the University of California, Berkeley. She completed a residency in primary eye care at the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System.

  • Education

    UC Berkeley, OD, 2022

  • Residencies

    VA San Diego Healthcare System, Primary Eye Care, 2023

As an immigrant and Bay Area native, I am passionate about serving the community that helped build who I am today.

Where I see patients (1)
