Where I see patients (1)
My work
Cutting-edge breast cancer care
Learn about the latest findings on breast cancer risk, screening and treatment from Dr. Esserman.
Should low-risk tumors still be called cancer?
Dr. Esserman explains how using a different term could reduce unnecessary worry over cancers that are unlikely to be life-threatening.
My reviews
Selected research
Hormone Receptor-Positive HER2-Negative/MammaPrint High-2 Breast Cancers Closely Resemble Triple-Negative Breast Cancers.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
Intratumoral Injection of mRNA-2752 and Pembrolizumab for High-Risk Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A Phase 1 Nonrandomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA oncology
Implementation and impact of an electronic patient reported outcomes system in a phase II multi-site adaptive platform clinical trial for early-stage breast cancer.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA
Clinical trials
I-SPY COVID-19 TRIAL: An Adaptive Platform Trial for Critically Ill Patients
Time to reach a durable COVID-19 level 4 or less or discharge at COVID-level 4 or lower (except for discharge to another hospital), and time to death (mortality). Data will be analyzed for 3 groups: - All - COVID-19 level...
Contact me
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- (415) 353-7070